last night I was supposed to hang out with a dear friend of mine. (this is not to make her sound like a bad friend, ahha) well she was supposed to call me at I'm all dressed up, looking quite cute, and i sit at my lap top till 7:30....then 8....oh wait is it 9:45? haha feeling kind of lame for not doing anything, knowing said friend had a good excuse so I wasn't really worrying about it. but lets be honest, I was bored and feeling sorry for my self!! she texts me, then calls, and apologizes, all is well. but I'm still bored at my house, so here is where just a lame night turns into a good one.
a. mom comes home with an Armani sequin dress for my birthday dinner. and we're talkin full on solid sparkles and sequins!!!!! I almost died. it was gorgeous and beautiful.
b. a check from my last week at Abercrombie that they never sent finally shows up. $216 thank-you very much.
c. mom throws a letter from state farm at me that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY. i half rip it open, pretending like its something cool then toss it aside because really, why would it be anything special? BUT I WAS WRONG. it was from my "state farm agent" who's supposed to know me, be my friend, and you know, just really be there. from the commercials you see. well she gave me 10 free music downloads! alright! happy birthday to me, don't mind if I do.
also, that dress? decided to return it, because although it was gosh dang beautiful, we realized that we could save quite a bit of money with me just wearing the dress I had originally planned, instead of the Armani seqiun beauty. but it was the thought and even being able to wear the dress for a bit that made me happy!!
I will no longer be a teenager in about a day. cool.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
I passed!
thats right, I don't have to retake my college algebra course! I was so frustrated that I had to take it for my major even though I went all the way to calculus in HS that for the first few months i seriously did nothing. Then the 3rd month I kind of half did stuff and was like, I'll be able to pass, ndb.
THEN it was 3 weeks before the end of the semester and i had a 54% and needed at least a 70 to pass. Lets just say I got a little panicked. Well folks. In 3 weeks I brought my grade from a 54 to a 71!
yup i passed. its amazing what you can do if you just pay attention in class and study for the tests. haha
He finally updated our final grades last night and this pic sums up my reaction when I saw it.
THEN it was 3 weeks before the end of the semester and i had a 54% and needed at least a 70 to pass. Lets just say I got a little panicked. Well folks. In 3 weeks I brought my grade from a 54 to a 71!
yup i passed. its amazing what you can do if you just pay attention in class and study for the tests. haha
He finally updated our final grades last night and this pic sums up my reaction when I saw it.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Best fb message ever.
So, most of you will know about the kid in my military fitness class that made the comment about my calves ripping my pants. quite hilarious you see. Well like 2 days later another guy in the class was like, dude, nice calves! and I was like, what? kinda laughing to myself. Then he was like haha sorry, I just overheard you talking about that one guy's comment and thought it was funny. Well that was 2 months ago. Then 2 days ago I get a friend request from him and the next day a message. Please read this and laugh. because thats why I did, SO FUNNY. the best part is that we talked maybe a total of 5 times the whole semester,
"K, so I'm not a creep I promise... But I woke up from a super random dream last night laughing cause you were in it -- with really big calves... and that was it. You never said a word in it, you just walked around with big calves. Now, for the record, I don't think you have big calves, I think they're very nice.
Ha ha, oh dear... Have a Merry Christmas!
made my day! and gave me a good laugh.
"K, so I'm not a creep I promise... But I woke up from a super random dream last night laughing cause you were in it -- with really big calves... and that was it. You never said a word in it, you just walked around with big calves. Now, for the record, I don't think you have big calves, I think they're very nice.

made my day! and gave me a good laugh.
Monday, December 19, 2011
surgery tomorrow!
dudes people. I'm having surgery tomorrow! and I couldn't be more excited. Some of you may know, but its not like I broadcast it, so this might be news, But I have random masses/tumor like things that just show up on my body, some are larger than others, and some bother the crap out of me because I can't stop touching/ pinching them. So because they are so bothersome and slightly less than ideal, I am getting them removed! I guess the medical term is lypoma, so I'm getting my lypomas removed! baha.
Not all of them though, thats just way too many, and some are quite small. I'm getting the 2 on my legs removed, one the size of a ping pong ball, the other the size of a cherry and then 2 small ones on my right arm about the size of a pea. Those ones I'm getting out just because I pinch them all the time and bruise myself, so they need to go!
Well I'm pumped. I'll let you know how it goes. and just so you know, I have to go a few days without working out. I might go insane.
But it'll be worth it because no more awkward bumps for me!
Also, can I just mention how amazing being home for Christmas is?
well its amazing.
Not all of them though, thats just way too many, and some are quite small. I'm getting the 2 on my legs removed, one the size of a ping pong ball, the other the size of a cherry and then 2 small ones on my right arm about the size of a pea. Those ones I'm getting out just because I pinch them all the time and bruise myself, so they need to go!
Well I'm pumped. I'll let you know how it goes. and just so you know, I have to go a few days without working out. I might go insane.
But it'll be worth it because no more awkward bumps for me!
Also, can I just mention how amazing being home for Christmas is?
well its amazing.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
finals are crazy and I live at the library, but its kinda fun at the same time....haha just did well on my Nutrition final, then I have math today at 2 and then chemistry at 5:30 then I am DONE. woohoo people. I cannot wait to be home. I want it to feel more like christmas!!
Yesterday I face planted. and it was hilarious. Stef and I were walking to class and there was a girl in front of us that slipped and I totally laughed at her and then right when I got to the same spot I biffed it. Oh man. haha The funnies noise emitted from my mouth and everyone from a 50 foot radius was laughing with us. It was excellent.
I can get a 20% on my chem final and still pass, lets just say I realized that and stopped studying haha.
math on the otherhand...I have a 68...haha oopsie for not doing anything! I need to get a good grade on the final so I can pass the class and not have to retake it. that would be the worst thing ever. seeing as I don't do any of the work because I think its dumb I have to take this ridiculously easy class.
K. I need to pack!! /do some math
Yesterday I face planted. and it was hilarious. Stef and I were walking to class and there was a girl in front of us that slipped and I totally laughed at her and then right when I got to the same spot I biffed it. Oh man. haha The funnies noise emitted from my mouth and everyone from a 50 foot radius was laughing with us. It was excellent.
I can get a 20% on my chem final and still pass, lets just say I realized that and stopped studying haha.
math on the otherhand...I have a 68...haha oopsie for not doing anything! I need to get a good grade on the final so I can pass the class and not have to retake it. that would be the worst thing ever. seeing as I don't do any of the work because I think its dumb I have to take this ridiculously easy class.
K. I need to pack!! /do some math
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Its Christmas time, and its finally December, and it the most wonderful time of the year!
16 days until home
24 days till christmas
30 days till i turn 20
this is just the best month.
I can't even explain in words how happy I am. constantly now. All the time!
oh the joy i feel. Its unmeasurable.
the peace this season brings, the love, the family, just everything. Its excellent.
also, I absolutely love christmas lights.
one thing I'm really looking forward to when I get home is Snow Flake lane!
Literally feels like you're in a winter wonderland of happiness.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
5 days
Thanksgiving was a blast, and I absolutely loved it. So many fun people, its just the time of the year I absolutely love. The awesome time we had with Annalise and Steve, and then the fun we had with Cory's family. It was awesome. The downside was definitely all that food I ate! I mean when I was eating it, I definitely loved it, cause duh, it was delicious, but each night I felt slightly sick. And I knew by the end of the week I would have lowered my immune system enough to get sick. haha. well. I was right. These past few months I've been super healthy and working out often, I've been healthier than I've ever been. Sugar was something I only treated to myself every few weeks, and even then it was in small doses, and stef and sav and I after our workouts would make these meals full of veggies and good stuff. So my body definitely went in shock with all those white bread carbs and sugars! And I got sick :/ and I have swim champs this weekend :/. I have a cold and am just stuffy and achy and I can't sleep at night! Can't wait to be well again! Oh the prices you pay for hard core partying :) haha
On an upside, because I definitely don't mean to complain about thanksgiving at all:
1. I ran every day, woohoo! 4.5 miles on wednesday, 5.4 miles on thursday, 3 miles up in the mountains on Fri, and 6 miles on Saturday! I was quite proud of myself for getting out there on my vacations.
2. I got an awesome throw blanket fron Anthro for $10.
3. I saw the muppet movie (was so skeptical but everyone else was going) and laughed the WHOLE time. sometimes uncontrollably
4. Was able to see Jannette. It was a short but definitely awesome visit. I love her.
5. Shopping with Sydney and Taylor, now that is something that needs to happen more often
6. Cory's aunt Sarah, she is freaking hilarious and funny and sassy. and is convinced I need to be part of the family, she was convinced on getting me married into the family, and wanted a ring on my finger before the weekend haha
7. The fact that she wanted me to marry a specific cousin name Justin that I happened to have a huge crush on last semester haha too bad he's graduated already, and I like Bryce. But it was still fun to see him!
8. And then when we got back, watching Ever After, one of my favorite movies, with Bryce! It was a good way to end the brake.
On an upside, because I definitely don't mean to complain about thanksgiving at all:
1. I ran every day, woohoo! 4.5 miles on wednesday, 5.4 miles on thursday, 3 miles up in the mountains on Fri, and 6 miles on Saturday! I was quite proud of myself for getting out there on my vacations.
2. I got an awesome throw blanket fron Anthro for $10.
3. I saw the muppet movie (was so skeptical but everyone else was going) and laughed the WHOLE time. sometimes uncontrollably
4. Was able to see Jannette. It was a short but definitely awesome visit. I love her.
5. Shopping with Sydney and Taylor, now that is something that needs to happen more often
6. Cory's aunt Sarah, she is freaking hilarious and funny and sassy. and is convinced I need to be part of the family, she was convinced on getting me married into the family, and wanted a ring on my finger before the weekend haha
7. The fact that she wanted me to marry a specific cousin name Justin that I happened to have a huge crush on last semester haha too bad he's graduated already, and I like Bryce. But it was still fun to see him!
8. And then when we got back, watching Ever After, one of my favorite movies, with Bryce! It was a good way to end the brake.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Oh the food, and its not even Thursday yet
Yesterday on the drive here to Utah we listen to some of my select favorite Christmas songs. I was like screaming them I was so excited. Well, we all were.
Then last night Annalise (we helped out a teeeeeny bit) made us this amazing thanksgiving meal so that we could have a little minnie thanksgiving as sybs! Well and because she just could wait until Thursday for thanksgiving goodness. We had fairy rolls, one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving, dressing that was DELICIOUS, turkey, Brussels sprouts, yummm and lets not forget her world famous "best choc. chip cookies. OH MY GOSH. id never had them, and let me tell you...that dough? was addicting. pretty sure I had like 6 cookies worth of it. seriously though. She made them with brown butter, which means you like cook it on the stove till its brownish? well it makes the butter taste like toffee, so you can only imagine how much better the cookies taste.
Then we played pinocle and J and David killed me and Annalise. We went down almost every time, one of them being 1000 points haha. so we're chillin at -1000 and they're at 1300, funny
but thats okay because next game me and david killed them! It was a fun night. Full of laughter and fun times. So excited for tonight, I love my sister! And I'm so glad these few days that we all get to be together.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! :)
Off to go running, which will hopefully make me feel a little better about last night haha
Monday, November 21, 2011
let me introduce you
to my future roommates. yes they are awesome. and yes they are weird and yes we pretty much became instant best friends.
First day of military fitness, we ran 2 miles, we were all the front girls and all realized we loved working out. Instant bonding right there people. slowly but surely we pretty much do everything together. And by that I mean we go to the gym 2-3 hours a day and make awesome delicious healthy meals together. because thats pretty much all we do these days (other than homework!). Its really funny, because we all have our strengths in the trio, stefs legs because she's a beastly runner, we're talkin 13:00 minute 2 mile, savannahs abs, she did 87 sit ups in 2 minutes, thats like 17 past the MAX points for the army fitness test and then me the arms. can you believe it? who knew, when i actually started working those puppies out, they turned into something. We like to joke that if you put us all together we would make a super woman. haha it makes us feel better.
Well I just love these girls, they're hilarious and funny and we're all just crazy around each other, and umm kind of man like? we talk about muscles and when we're going to work out next, and trying to beat each other, not really girly things. And we burp and punch each other. haha its kind of fun. no worries, I'm only like that around them, I'm still a lady!!!
oh btw, stefs is the blondie and sav is the brown haired one. I love these girls and cannot wait to room with them next semester! It will be a blast. I just can't wait for next semester in general.
Have a Happy Healthy Thanksgiving, and get out there and work out!
(warning: its addicting)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Colder weather
i found a new band I really like, The Alkaline Trio, they're awesome. Also, the civil wars, I've known one of their more popular songs for a while but just looked up a lot of their other stuff and I'm in love!
Today after the turkey trot, I had a math study session, which I was like 30 mins late for because of the trot. It was in the Ricks building which is the furthest form my apartment, about 15 minutes, and is all up hill. Well its 20 degrees out with massive winds and I'm like turning into an ice burg as I walk there. Their supposed to be there for an hour so I knew I would be fine. nope. Got there and there was no one there. And I didn't have anyones number cause we had planned it the day before. So I was quite sad when I went to all this trouble to not even get to study with anybody. Oh well. I just sat in the room all by myself and studied. Its getting cold people. Very very cold. Well when its not windy, it really isn't that bad, but its super windy! I hope it snows more soon.
Today after the turkey trot, I had a math study session, which I was like 30 mins late for because of the trot. It was in the Ricks building which is the furthest form my apartment, about 15 minutes, and is all up hill. Well its 20 degrees out with massive winds and I'm like turning into an ice burg as I walk there. Their supposed to be there for an hour so I knew I would be fine. nope. Got there and there was no one there. And I didn't have anyones number cause we had planned it the day before. So I was quite sad when I went to all this trouble to not even get to study with anybody. Oh well. I just sat in the room all by myself and studied. Its getting cold people. Very very cold. Well when its not windy, it really isn't that bad, but its super windy! I hope it snows more soon.
Friday, November 18, 2011
le weekend
ITS FINALLY THE WEEKEND. well almost....just have nutrition, military fitness, a swim meet and a math test to take..haha whatevs, its friday atleast. Fridays are my absolute longest day, I went from my past 2 semester of only having 1 class on friday at like 9, to having a chem lab at 7:45-9:45, math at 10:15, Chem at 11:15, Nutrition at 2, military fitness at 3:15 and then a meet at 5. finally home by 7:45! its a good thing that thats my friday and that I get to crash after that, cause otherwise I would die!
Also, tomorrow I'm getting my hairs trimmed, I haven't gotten it cut in 8 months, its getting a little less than ideal my friends.
also tomorrow is the turkey trot, the thanksgiving 5k! So that should be fun, and it should be blizzarding outside, so I'm excited.
tomorrow is J's big Dance showcase, which is awesome each year. He says its not supposed to be as good as last year, but I'm still pumped. Bryce and I will be going to it.
Also I think I'm getting some sort of ill? I don't know, I don't have a cold or sore throat, or achey muscles, but I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out at the same time and then I get hot flashes, I don't even know whats going on! Like I feel fine, but sometimes if I stand up, I fall over cause I get so dizzy, happened twice last night but thats it. Maybe its just time for thanksgiving break!
Also, as I'm sitting here, Stef and I decided that I'm going to skip nutrition and that we're going to find an empty corner of the library and sleep until Military fitness, yup. I'm excited.
Have a good weekend people! I just have a quiz and a test (other than classed on mon and tues) that I have to worry about until thanksgiving.
Also, tomorrow I'm getting my hairs trimmed, I haven't gotten it cut in 8 months, its getting a little less than ideal my friends.
also tomorrow is the turkey trot, the thanksgiving 5k! So that should be fun, and it should be blizzarding outside, so I'm excited.
tomorrow is J's big Dance showcase, which is awesome each year. He says its not supposed to be as good as last year, but I'm still pumped. Bryce and I will be going to it.
Also I think I'm getting some sort of ill? I don't know, I don't have a cold or sore throat, or achey muscles, but I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out at the same time and then I get hot flashes, I don't even know whats going on! Like I feel fine, but sometimes if I stand up, I fall over cause I get so dizzy, happened twice last night but thats it. Maybe its just time for thanksgiving break!
Also, as I'm sitting here, Stef and I decided that I'm going to skip nutrition and that we're going to find an empty corner of the library and sleep until Military fitness, yup. I'm excited.
Have a good weekend people! I just have a quiz and a test (other than classed on mon and tues) that I have to worry about until thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Going to the ice caves on saturday with bryce! It will be a party, and I'm excited.
Also, funny story, girl on my swim team, rachel, she's quite awesome. well she's heard stories here and there about the guy I like. And I'll be like, remember the guy I almost gave up on?!?! haha so she knew of him, but not necessarily who he is. Well I was in the Library tonight and Bryce came and sat with me for a bit and we talked, and he helped me with some chemistry, then he left. Well rachel came in to study some anatomy and walked up to me and was like, how do you know that guy!?!? And I'm all like, he's the guy I'm totally crushing on!! and she's like NO WAY. he's my anat and phys tutor and he is HOT. like dude, HE IS SO GOOD LOOKING. and i was like I KNOW RIGHT!?!? it was just a funny correspondence we had. lol
<3 the girl thats totally twitter-pated
Also, funny story, girl on my swim team, rachel, she's quite awesome. well she's heard stories here and there about the guy I like. And I'll be like, remember the guy I almost gave up on?!?! haha so she knew of him, but not necessarily who he is. Well I was in the Library tonight and Bryce came and sat with me for a bit and we talked, and he helped me with some chemistry, then he left. Well rachel came in to study some anatomy and walked up to me and was like, how do you know that guy!?!? And I'm all like, he's the guy I'm totally crushing on!! and she's like NO WAY. he's my anat and phys tutor and he is HOT. like dude, HE IS SO GOOD LOOKING. and i was like I KNOW RIGHT!?!? it was just a funny correspondence we had. lol
<3 the girl thats totally twitter-pated
13 degrees today as I walked to class in a cardigan. My ears actually started to hurt, I could feel my ice cold earrings agains them and my ice cold necklace against my neck. Half way through class I could feel my hands and ears again. It's christmas time people.
Chemistry test tonight/tomorrow. Whenever I decide to take it. I decided I'm going to ace it, so be ready test, you're about to get killed.
It's official. I'm addicted. To working out. I've always loved being fit and running and stuff, but believe me guys, this is a whole new level. I lift weights, do pull-ups, can actually DO perfect push-ups. And running a lot, but a lot of interval stuff, so it's making me faster. I do 2-3 workouts a day, its just habit. I would say its addicting. last night to finish off my day good I ran the 2 mile at the indoor track. 13:40 baby! fastest i've ever gone. I'm happy people. Way happy. I'm faster than I was in cross-country! this is a big deal.its an a-d-d-c-t-i-o-n.
And have I ever mentioned my crazy work-out buddies? This would be Stefanie, Savannah and erika. Stef and sav and I all met in military fitness on the first day. We did a 2 mile run and realized all of us were athletic and now we workout 2 or 3 times a day together. Erika is stefs sister and she comes too. AND. we're all living together in the winter. who's excited? me. I'm excited. I'm SO excited. we're also kind of crazy together. we like to punch-eachother and make fun of each other. Its a great relationship we have. It really is annoying having to wait till the winter to be with these girls, because theres so much driving! we're all in different apartments, and we go from place to place all the time. I'm with them more than my own roommates haha
well life is good. I'm liking it. Oh. and one thing that I would like to say, its thanksgiving time soon, and I would just like to say I am thankful for my body. This awesome gift that heavenly father gave thats capable of so much! And I'm grateful that its healthy, and that I can accomplish all I want to do. I'm grateful for the gospel! And its truthfulness and the plan of Salvation! That I know that I can live with my Father in Heaven again and be with my family forever. and Prayer! My goodness prayer. It is wonderful, and amazing and powerful. Its peaceful and is great that we are able to communicated with our father in heaven. I am just so grateful for the Gospel. And I know its true! and I love it! and It just makes me happy!
what a random of a post. D&C is screaming my name. have a great day!
Chemistry test tonight/tomorrow. Whenever I decide to take it. I decided I'm going to ace it, so be ready test, you're about to get killed.
It's official. I'm addicted. To working out. I've always loved being fit and running and stuff, but believe me guys, this is a whole new level. I lift weights, do pull-ups, can actually DO perfect push-ups. And running a lot, but a lot of interval stuff, so it's making me faster. I do 2-3 workouts a day, its just habit. I would say its addicting. last night to finish off my day good I ran the 2 mile at the indoor track. 13:40 baby! fastest i've ever gone. I'm happy people. Way happy. I'm faster than I was in cross-country! this is a big deal.its an a-d-d-c-t-i-o-n.
And have I ever mentioned my crazy work-out buddies? This would be Stefanie, Savannah and erika. Stef and sav and I all met in military fitness on the first day. We did a 2 mile run and realized all of us were athletic and now we workout 2 or 3 times a day together. Erika is stefs sister and she comes too. AND. we're all living together in the winter. who's excited? me. I'm excited. I'm SO excited. we're also kind of crazy together. we like to punch-eachother and make fun of each other. Its a great relationship we have. It really is annoying having to wait till the winter to be with these girls, because theres so much driving! we're all in different apartments, and we go from place to place all the time. I'm with them more than my own roommates haha
well life is good. I'm liking it. Oh. and one thing that I would like to say, its thanksgiving time soon, and I would just like to say I am thankful for my body. This awesome gift that heavenly father gave thats capable of so much! And I'm grateful that its healthy, and that I can accomplish all I want to do. I'm grateful for the gospel! And its truthfulness and the plan of Salvation! That I know that I can live with my Father in Heaven again and be with my family forever. and Prayer! My goodness prayer. It is wonderful, and amazing and powerful. Its peaceful and is great that we are able to communicated with our father in heaven. I am just so grateful for the Gospel. And I know its true! and I love it! and It just makes me happy!
what a random of a post. D&C is screaming my name. have a great day!
Monday, November 7, 2011
I would just like to say, that every day here at school, I try to dress really nice, I put these outfits together that sometimes I think up in advance, or I see a picture on pinterest and I'm like, hey, i have a lot of stuff like that! and recreate my own version of it. I look forward to it everyday, I love my pink and red lip stick and I just try different things. I have to say I was inspired by pinterest, seeing all the cute outfits on there. Its like I play dress up everyday. It does something for your self esteem too people. If you wanna feel good about yourself, DRESS NICEE. A lot of people have said that I need to start taking pictures of my outfits everyday and posting them on pinterest, that sure does make you feel good. if only I had a nice camera, then I would! Also, just for the record, I have not worn a t-shirt (even a cute plain v-neck), sweater or big jacket once this semester. layers layers layers!!! there my favorite.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Today we had stake conference and it was simply amazing. We got a new stake relief society presidency so they spoke. Those ladies are inspiring, and so loving. You can just tell the love they have for the Savior. Henry Eyring, our Stake president (Henry B. Eyring's son) spoke last at it was short and sweet. He told us to look deep into our heart, and to find something, something that we need to improve. Something that will make us a better disciple of Jesus Christ. Something that if changed, will make us a better person and change our lives for the better. I found my thing and I cannot wait to start working on it.
Also, have you seen 17 miracles? Its about the pioneers, and one hand cart companies experience on the planes and all the different miracles that happened. We watched it tonight and I didn't know a lot of the miracles! It was so good. What a good sunday :)
Also, have you seen 17 miracles? Its about the pioneers, and one hand cart companies experience on the planes and all the different miracles that happened. We watched it tonight and I didn't know a lot of the miracles! It was so good. What a good sunday :)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Sometimes you just need a laugh
All of these have made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I've seen them multiple times, but the other day in the cross roads I was chillin with stef and erika and my brothers, and we were looking at my "funny" pinterest board, and these were some of our favorites. So funny. We were very rambunctious and loud that day, people started to stare. but we just couldn't stop laughing!
![]() |
the baby just wouldn't cooperate |
also, remember last week about all my guys? How I had pretty much given up on Bryce? well like right after that post he texted me and we talked for quite a while, then the next day he returned my plate (I had made him banana bread a week before) with cookies on it, and then we talked for a while, then went to stadium singing, then back to my apartment where I played guitar for him :). Well this week I had pretty much given up again ( he's just super busy people and I couldn't tell if he liked me or not) BUT HE ASKED ME OUT FOR TONIGHT. I am so excited its ridiculous. all those other dates this week were fun, but I really just have a crush on Bryce.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Potential Dilema
K remember Bryce? the guy from science? Well he's still as cute as ever, but didn't peruse at all after our date so I was kind of like whatever he doesn't like me right? So then I'm hanging out with my FHE bros and there like so hows the boy life and they ask about bryce and I'm like ya, my life in that area is like a zero haha. They've been wanting to find someone for me for ever. There like, whenever I meet a guy thats good enough for you, I will set you guys up! haha they just joke like that. Well then they suddenly think of this guy named drew. There like don't worry Julia, he works out alll the time and likes to run, so that'd be good for you! So i'm excited, and he doesn't have facebook (he deactivated it for like a week) and they really like to make things as awkward as possible/embarrass people so they send him a text and are like "hey drew, I have a girl I want to set you up with, send us a picture with you shirt off". Oh greattt! haha "noooo he's gunna think I was the one that asked and is gunna think Im shallow! and so they tell him that they're embarrassing me and to not send it but drew sends it anyway. shoot.dang. lets just say he was perfectly chiseled. beautiful abs? yep he had them. Well I eventually saw a picture of his face, so that when I meet him it wasnt like, oh hey, all i've seen is your abs, and they're perfect, how are you doin? Well we're going out on a date next week sometime. And then on friday I got asked out on a date with a guy I had a crush on last spring but finally gave up on, and then 3 hours later at swim team I got asked out by this great guy on my swim team, like he's so sweet and nice and just hilarious. So I'm excited about that and all of a sudden in a week I went from zero boys to feeling slightly overwhelmed. They are all really awesome, really cute and just great guys and I was feeling slightly intimidated with the fact that something might come from one of them and having to choose and everything like that. Well I just called my mom and she said something that made feel a little less nervous "one guy will shine, and if not, let them prove themselves". wooh, amen! I look forward to this next week and the good guys I will get to spend time with. Also funny thing, I've been on a total of like 6 dates since I've been up here at school and now I have 3 in one week. Setting a new record for myself.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Science Guy
So, I really haven't blogged about my life in a while, like whats going on and stuff. Cause quite frankly, theres a lot going on. I'm quite content right now and just loving everything thats happening. First off, I haven't even mention science guy to you guys yet.
K, heres me trying to describe the last 3 weeks in a paragraph with him. So, I don't really even notice the guy sitting in front of me in science until one day its kinda hot outside and after walking briskly on campus, I'm a little sweaty. So I'm sitting there and I'm just like woooo! its hot! Then the row in front of me kinda turns around and I see him, we exchange some words, not really thinking much. Then the next day I unintentionally said the same exact thing...wooo! its hot! haha to which I was like oh, you just turned around again and so far the only the only interaction we've had is me saying "woo! its hot!" haha kinda funny. but then i start to realize how incredibly cute he is...and so I start to talk to the row in front of me more/ just him. Eventually we start walking together and we do this for about a week and I realize I don't even know his name...haha but everytime someone asked me if there were any boys in my life, I would be like 'well theres this really cute guy in my chemistry class!!!!!' haha so pretty much everybody, and I mean everybody, knew him as science guy. funny side: I'm talking to Lochlan and I'm like, and then today science guy...and my other roommate walks up and is like BILL NYE?!! haha we laughed for a while. But anyway, Lochlan had been trying to get me to invite him to something/ get his number somehow. Well if you know me, you know I am NOT bold when it comes to guys. In fact I get really nervous with ones I like and how on earth am I supposed to get his number!? Well one day in class I look at his paper and figure out that his name is Bryce and I found out later that he found out my name by looking at my laptop haha. so funny. WELL. Last friday he asked me for my number. uh hellooo about time! I mean we've only been walking after class for 2 or more weeks flirting up a storm and finallyyyy you got my number. woohoo! lets just say I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Then, he asked me on a date for that night! So fun. I was bouncing off the walls after he asked me, ask anyone in my military fitness class, I think they would call it being on cloud 9. Well the date was super fun, we went and played minnie golf, and then games at his apartment. He loves doing outdoorsy things and working out, dudeeeeee, me too. He's also big into healthy eating, dudeeeee, me too. And he's from Lewiston, Idaho, 3 hours from McCall! So I know right where he's talking about. He's also an exercise phys major but has a lot bigger plans than my measly athletic trainer...haha he's pre-med! He wants to be an orthopedic surgeon, I mean hello, I totally worked at one of those places. But after the date, I was just so nervous because I wasn't sure if he liked me or not, and I had a fatty crush on him, so I curled up in a ball on our kitchen floor stressing about how I don't think he likes me and it was just pathetic. Well after that long cute story, I still don't think he likes me. but I'm okay with that now, oh well! I think I might invite him to the ice caves this weekend, but I don't know. I'll just have to see how this plays out.
On another note, between military fitness and swim team, and the gym and running, I'm so freaking hungry ALL the time. I'm not really used to eating that much, but I have to eat like 3 or 4 of my past dinners just to feel full. I work out about 2 hours a day, and so it makes sense that I'm hungry, I just really don't like it, I like eating small amounts. MWF I have military fitness for an hour, which can be pretty intense, I'm gettin arms people! we did like 250 push-ups yesterday... and then after that class, I go to the gym and usually bike for 30 minutes, lift weights, and do abs. On TTH I have swim team for an hour 1/2 and then I go to the gym, or I go running, and then sometimes abs that rock that night. And then Saturday is my long run day. and sunday i rest. Its pretty intense, lets be honest. This week I've done more than the previous weeks ( i used to just swim on swim practice days) And so I pretty much just go to classes, workout, homework, and then go to bed. This week on monday, I studied with Bryce for 2 hours at 8 in the am, so I got up early for that, so I was really tired that night and went to bed at 9:15, then I realized I could get into a good sleep patter with this... so this whole week I've been going to bed at 9:30 and waking up at 6:30. Sometimes I won't even have class till 10:15, but I get up and get stuff done and I'm not tired because I've gotten 9 hours of sleep! I'm really starting to understand the 'early to bed, early to rise' scripture now, because its so nice!!! I'm wide awake during the day, I love it. It might get thrown off a little this weekend....because guess what?! my cousins are comin up!!!!! Joslin, Kaitlin, Karli, Lauren, and Sydney- so excited! Its gunna be a party.
Holy book of a post. Sorry!!!!
K, heres me trying to describe the last 3 weeks in a paragraph with him. So, I don't really even notice the guy sitting in front of me in science until one day its kinda hot outside and after walking briskly on campus, I'm a little sweaty. So I'm sitting there and I'm just like woooo! its hot! Then the row in front of me kinda turns around and I see him, we exchange some words, not really thinking much. Then the next day I unintentionally said the same exact thing...wooo! its hot! haha to which I was like oh, you just turned around again and so far the only the only interaction we've had is me saying "woo! its hot!" haha kinda funny. but then i start to realize how incredibly cute he is...and so I start to talk to the row in front of me more/ just him. Eventually we start walking together and we do this for about a week and I realize I don't even know his name...haha but everytime someone asked me if there were any boys in my life, I would be like 'well theres this really cute guy in my chemistry class!!!!!' haha so pretty much everybody, and I mean everybody, knew him as science guy. funny side: I'm talking to Lochlan and I'm like, and then today science guy...and my other roommate walks up and is like BILL NYE?!! haha we laughed for a while. But anyway, Lochlan had been trying to get me to invite him to something/ get his number somehow. Well if you know me, you know I am NOT bold when it comes to guys. In fact I get really nervous with ones I like and how on earth am I supposed to get his number!? Well one day in class I look at his paper and figure out that his name is Bryce and I found out later that he found out my name by looking at my laptop haha. so funny. WELL. Last friday he asked me for my number. uh hellooo about time! I mean we've only been walking after class for 2 or more weeks flirting up a storm and finallyyyy you got my number. woohoo! lets just say I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Then, he asked me on a date for that night! So fun. I was bouncing off the walls after he asked me, ask anyone in my military fitness class, I think they would call it being on cloud 9. Well the date was super fun, we went and played minnie golf, and then games at his apartment. He loves doing outdoorsy things and working out, dudeeeeee, me too. He's also big into healthy eating, dudeeeee, me too. And he's from Lewiston, Idaho, 3 hours from McCall! So I know right where he's talking about. He's also an exercise phys major but has a lot bigger plans than my measly athletic trainer...haha he's pre-med! He wants to be an orthopedic surgeon, I mean hello, I totally worked at one of those places. But after the date, I was just so nervous because I wasn't sure if he liked me or not, and I had a fatty crush on him, so I curled up in a ball on our kitchen floor stressing about how I don't think he likes me and it was just pathetic. Well after that long cute story, I still don't think he likes me. but I'm okay with that now, oh well! I think I might invite him to the ice caves this weekend, but I don't know. I'll just have to see how this plays out.
On another note, between military fitness and swim team, and the gym and running, I'm so freaking hungry ALL the time. I'm not really used to eating that much, but I have to eat like 3 or 4 of my past dinners just to feel full. I work out about 2 hours a day, and so it makes sense that I'm hungry, I just really don't like it, I like eating small amounts. MWF I have military fitness for an hour, which can be pretty intense, I'm gettin arms people! we did like 250 push-ups yesterday... and then after that class, I go to the gym and usually bike for 30 minutes, lift weights, and do abs. On TTH I have swim team for an hour 1/2 and then I go to the gym, or I go running, and then sometimes abs that rock that night. And then Saturday is my long run day. and sunday i rest. Its pretty intense, lets be honest. This week I've done more than the previous weeks ( i used to just swim on swim practice days) And so I pretty much just go to classes, workout, homework, and then go to bed. This week on monday, I studied with Bryce for 2 hours at 8 in the am, so I got up early for that, so I was really tired that night and went to bed at 9:15, then I realized I could get into a good sleep patter with this... so this whole week I've been going to bed at 9:30 and waking up at 6:30. Sometimes I won't even have class till 10:15, but I get up and get stuff done and I'm not tired because I've gotten 9 hours of sleep! I'm really starting to understand the 'early to bed, early to rise' scripture now, because its so nice!!! I'm wide awake during the day, I love it. It might get thrown off a little this weekend....because guess what?! my cousins are comin up!!!!! Joslin, Kaitlin, Karli, Lauren, and Sydney- so excited! Its gunna be a party.
Holy book of a post. Sorry!!!!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Winter wonderland
so yesterday it started snowing, YES SNOWING. Lochlan pointed it out to me while I was eating breakfast and I pretty much had a heart attack. Then I just had to play Christmas music. I listened to winter wonderland, white christmas, where are you christmas, and other favorites. Then some of my roommates started coming home and they were pretty excited too, so we started dancing around and then I started crying...haha like for real. I was just so happy, the tears just kind of came. Well it snowed all day but didn't start sticking until swim team that afternoon Out the door I could see that it was sticking. So of course I'm quite excited whereas like half the team are thinking I'm crazy. They're not huge fans of the snow you see. It was still snowing early this morning on the way to my chem lab, only like an inch on the ground because its only like 33 so its not sticking super well. I had snowflakes on my hair and eyelashes and I just LOVED it. I Love the snow, and I love Christmas and I'm just so excited!
Oh, and I must tell you what happened wednesday night, the day before it snowed. Lochlan and I went to the grocery store and at the stop light of a street, I see a tree with lights on it, I look down the road and THE WHOLE STREET HAS LIGHTS ON THE TREES. LIke Christmas! I started screaming, not joking here, full on screaming, and Lochlan joined me and we started bouncing up and down and shaking our hands with excitement. It was just a happy time. I love this time of year, and I love being in Rexburg for it because the weather actually matches the season :)
Happy Friday! I have a long day in front of me. Started this morning at 7 for my chem lab, and then I wont be home until 6:30. I can't wait for my friday to start. I have my first swim meet today! And right now I'm in math...haha its such a joke.
Merry Christmas!...too soon? sorry... happy halloween I guess...
Oh, and I must tell you what happened wednesday night, the day before it snowed. Lochlan and I went to the grocery store and at the stop light of a street, I see a tree with lights on it, I look down the road and THE WHOLE STREET HAS LIGHTS ON THE TREES. LIke Christmas! I started screaming, not joking here, full on screaming, and Lochlan joined me and we started bouncing up and down and shaking our hands with excitement. It was just a happy time. I love this time of year, and I love being in Rexburg for it because the weather actually matches the season :)
Happy Friday! I have a long day in front of me. Started this morning at 7 for my chem lab, and then I wont be home until 6:30. I can't wait for my friday to start. I have my first swim meet today! And right now I'm in math...haha its such a joke.
Merry Christmas!...too soon? sorry... happy halloween I guess...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
So I think I'm finally experiencing what college is supposed to be like. Homework homework homework like all the time? On the weekdays I have absolutely no social life. I really can't complain, because I guess I had 2 semesters that were easy and full of fun. So I guess its time to start focusing on the future spend every day and night working toward it. yay athletic training/mommying. heres to you.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Swim practice
we have 2 coaches, a boy and a girl. The guy is super attractively beautiful. and single. oh dear. why do I have to be in a cap and goggles when I see him?!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thank goodness
Thank-goodness for late night talks, and roommates that say just the right things to make everything seem alright <3
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
talk about an emotional roller coaster!
today went great, enjoyed my classes, and my last class, Military Fitness was just a blast.
yes of course it was difficult but a cute guy in the class and I get along real well, we joke with each other and its just fun, and on the run we ran next to each other an talked. It was great, then I got home and just had the muchies and I hate it when I get the munchies. So I tried to do homework which didn't work at all. Thinking back, I honestly have no idea what I did from 4:30 to 7.... what a waste of time. Then I went to a swim team registration and was all excited for that. Then I came home and felt horrible! Something was wrong, there was no reason for me to be unhappy, but I was. I just didn't feel good emotionally. Then I went to country dancing where I totally danced with a guy I had a minnie crush on last semester, and it made my night. but by the time he left, I was feeling low again. On the way home I got thinking way too much. So I went on another run to clear my head and now I'm just so emotionally drained. Happiness, excitement, giddiness, hopelessness, confusion of the future, fear, pain. I think its time I call it a night.
today went great, enjoyed my classes, and my last class, Military Fitness was just a blast.
yes of course it was difficult but a cute guy in the class and I get along real well, we joke with each other and its just fun, and on the run we ran next to each other an talked. It was great, then I got home and just had the muchies and I hate it when I get the munchies. So I tried to do homework which didn't work at all. Thinking back, I honestly have no idea what I did from 4:30 to 7.... what a waste of time. Then I went to a swim team registration and was all excited for that. Then I came home and felt horrible! Something was wrong, there was no reason for me to be unhappy, but I was. I just didn't feel good emotionally. Then I went to country dancing where I totally danced with a guy I had a minnie crush on last semester, and it made my night. but by the time he left, I was feeling low again. On the way home I got thinking way too much. So I went on another run to clear my head and now I'm just so emotionally drained. Happiness, excitement, giddiness, hopelessness, confusion of the future, fear, pain. I think its time I call it a night.
Monday, September 12, 2011
first day, went great
I'm busy now. 17 credits. blogging is going to be short and sweet. maybe thats a good thing? Just finished Chemistry and now on to Nutrition.
The drive up here was nice. Its so good to be back! I love it here.
I went to see Taylor Swift before I left, which was mind blowing. She was SO good live its ridiculous. All her dancers and her stage presence, she is an incredible performer. Loved that night.
The practice video the next morning for the King County sheriff department was fun too. I was trying to help my dad who wasn't responding, he was in late the late stages of Liver Caner, the paramedics arrive, I'm freaking out, help my dad! Then my mom gets there, he dies and we're supposed to be crying ( ya that didn't happen on my end, I just hid in my mothers shoulder). It was fun, it was pretty much all improv and I got payed for it! it was great.
So those were like 3 different blog posts all thrown into one short one. K I had my break, back to homework I go.
Oh also, I found some lipstick, buy one get one free at Bartells, well they were 1.09 for I totally got bright pink and red lipstick for a buck! It was an excellent find. I'm quite addicted to them. wore the red today on my first day of school.
I'm busy now. 17 credits. blogging is going to be short and sweet. maybe thats a good thing? Just finished Chemistry and now on to Nutrition.
The drive up here was nice. Its so good to be back! I love it here.
I went to see Taylor Swift before I left, which was mind blowing. She was SO good live its ridiculous. All her dancers and her stage presence, she is an incredible performer. Loved that night.
The practice video the next morning for the King County sheriff department was fun too. I was trying to help my dad who wasn't responding, he was in late the late stages of Liver Caner, the paramedics arrive, I'm freaking out, help my dad! Then my mom gets there, he dies and we're supposed to be crying ( ya that didn't happen on my end, I just hid in my mothers shoulder). It was fun, it was pretty much all improv and I got payed for it! it was great.
So those were like 3 different blog posts all thrown into one short one. K I had my break, back to homework I go.
Oh also, I found some lipstick, buy one get one free at Bartells, well they were 1.09 for I totally got bright pink and red lipstick for a buck! It was an excellent find. I'm quite addicted to them. wore the red today on my first day of school.
I did that
yes I just brought up my photo booth so I could put my lipstick on in the Crossraods. and yes, I just went to ROTC instead of my military fitness class. what a day.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
well i guess thats okay
so for this post, it needs the back story. Back in 10th grade my sisters and I were obsessed with being on Disney, or becoming child stars/ singers. So our mom and dad put us in acting/ modeling school down in seattle. It was fun and a lot of random things came from it, like i went to a competition down in vegas and thats where I got connections for my music and how I went to NY and then recorded in Nashville. But after that competition, we just decided to go our own way. There was an agency in town, just a local one, not anything that could make any of us famous, but there are always local jobs coming through. Well I auditioned a couple times in high school for different things, like small town commercials, or extras in low key movies being filmed hear etc. While I was at school, my sisters got a gig to be in a Wild Waves commercial, where they got big bucks. The best thing about this is that, its not like you need a lot of experience a lot of time you're just an extra, but you get paid money.
Since I've been home, for any jobs that she gets emailed about, she'll submit my profile from the agency. Well randomly my mom came in my room this morning, and she's like "don't hate me" which gets me all nervous right? And then she says, I submitted your profile for a job, and you got it!!!! The shoot is tomorrow morning at 9 for like 2 hours. We were supposed to leave at 5 in the morn for school, but thats okay, we can leave at noon! She figured we could just leave later, since in 2 hours I will be making bankk. Its like this shoolt where the dad has been injured, and then theres a mom and a daughter. I'll be a daughter. Its an industrial training video. Its called "death & dying" haha happy right?
so I wont be leaving for rexburg early in the morning, but who cares right? I'm making money being in a film thing!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Spartan Strong
I would just like to give a shout out to the Spartan Race for changing my life this past July. When I did it, I fell absolutely in love, and could not stop thinking about it. It changed the way I work out, it changed my intensity and it changed my lifestyle! Their WOD's are beastly, and can't wait to get to school where I'll have the equipment to do them. I also joined their street team, where I advertise for them and I can get people 10 dollars off when they sign up. And I get some rewards too for having people sign up. Next June 30 in Utah, same place as the last race, the Beast is happening. Its the 13 mile one. I'm doing it, and I'm pumped.
Friday, September 2, 2011
tomorrow is my last day at Abercrombie (cue hallelujah chorus). I am so glad to be done with that place. It is just too organized for me, like they're anal, and it drives me crazy! one time I walked in with my hair in a cute messy bun and one of the managers asked me to take it out, she wanted my hair down. well how do you think it's going to look after being in a messy bun?? or my pants wont be rolled correctly, its just crazy. The whole company is so perfectly put together and everything has to be perfect. and believe me, it pretty much is.
when I worked here in the winter, the longest shift I had was 5 1/2 hours. that was the longest shift anyone had, ever. They normally have tons of different models (thats what the people that work on the floor with people are called) and so its very part time. 3 maybe 4 days a week and and some 3 or 4 hours shifts with maybe a 5 1/2 thrown in there. But when we cam back, management was different and we were low on models. I started working 4 or 5 days a week and I was getting 6 1/2 hour shifts. I know 6 1/2 hours really isn't super long to work. The only thing that makes it so difficult is standing for that long in flip flops. by the end of my shifts, I'm limping and my ankles, knees, hips, and lower back are killing me. not good. thats why Abercrombie is a part time job in general.
but this week, we got a whole new floor set and we were low on I got scheduled everyday. woohooo.... m,t,w,th,f, and s.... So I'm looking through my shifts right, seeing how long I work, seeing I have a couple long shifts, and then I saw saturday and I almost died.....
i work tomorrow from 9 to 6. what??????? 8 hours? thats ridiculous, I'm not going to be able to walk! I'm going to be so sick of customers and that playlist, that when I get off, I might just have to go home, put some cucumbers on my eyes and relax in a hot bath.
I'm not complaining about having to work in general for 8 hours, I've done 15 before, but I'm complaining about the fact that I will feel like an old lady tomorrow night, and be limping out of alder wood.
but hey, its my last day right? mine as well go out with a bang.
when I worked here in the winter, the longest shift I had was 5 1/2 hours. that was the longest shift anyone had, ever. They normally have tons of different models (thats what the people that work on the floor with people are called) and so its very part time. 3 maybe 4 days a week and and some 3 or 4 hours shifts with maybe a 5 1/2 thrown in there. But when we cam back, management was different and we were low on models. I started working 4 or 5 days a week and I was getting 6 1/2 hour shifts. I know 6 1/2 hours really isn't super long to work. The only thing that makes it so difficult is standing for that long in flip flops. by the end of my shifts, I'm limping and my ankles, knees, hips, and lower back are killing me. not good. thats why Abercrombie is a part time job in general.
but this week, we got a whole new floor set and we were low on I got scheduled everyday. woohooo.... m,t,w,th,f, and s.... So I'm looking through my shifts right, seeing how long I work, seeing I have a couple long shifts, and then I saw saturday and I almost died.....
i work tomorrow from 9 to 6. what??????? 8 hours? thats ridiculous, I'm not going to be able to walk! I'm going to be so sick of customers and that playlist, that when I get off, I might just have to go home, put some cucumbers on my eyes and relax in a hot bath.
I'm not complaining about having to work in general for 8 hours, I've done 15 before, but I'm complaining about the fact that I will feel like an old lady tomorrow night, and be limping out of alder wood.
but hey, its my last day right? mine as well go out with a bang.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
So I just watched country strong, and its things like that, along with seeing things about Taylor swifts life, or watching concerts, or artists perform that really put a twist on my emotions. I can't watch things like that and 100% enjoy them anymore. Because all I want is that, so bad. Watching Country Strong, and watching Chyles (leighton Meester's character) perform onstage at the end, and the crowd is all cheering and she is just so happy and overjoyed that she almost starts to cry. ya, well I cried, just imagining that was me.
I want to move to Nashville, I want to get my career started. i want it to be a clear and easy path that will just get me there. But its not. I don't have any money, so do I want it bad enough to just go down there and live off nothing and work all day and play gigs all night? would I even get gigs? Am I even good? or do my friends just say so because they're my friends. do I even have a chance? do I have what it takes? how could I, julia farmer, ever, ever, ever become a country star, who would listen to my music? and why, would it be my plan? is it even Gods plan for me? if not, why on earth is it so etched into my heart. why do I have this insane connection to everything music, like its pulling at me, like its what I'm supposed to do. That I'm supposed to do this? if I leave it and let it go, I will have nothing but regrets. All I will think about is, what if? what if I had gone to nashville, what if I had tried super hard, what if I jumped for my dreams, instead of stepping for them? if I don't go for it, my heart will ache every time I hear about taylor swift and her success, it will hurt everytime pick up my guitar with just my sister listening to me sing. It will hurt everytime I think of, what if I had gone for it?
I am so lost. sounds to me like someone has some serious praying to do. and sounds to me, like I just need to move to nashville.
what if I dropped all my classes for fall? what if I was just spontaneous and let that happen because you know what, thats what I wanted to do and I did it. skrew what other people wanted for me. what if I could just do that? oh the joys of what if. if I could, I would be in nashville right now, and would have for the past year. but you know whats wrong with that statement? I could have been if I really wanted, I could have made it happen, if I really really really wanted, but I didn't. but i learned a lot this past year and what if its time now?
wow, isn't this just a lovely heart to heart we're having.
conclusion: I need to either forget about this dream, throw it away and not want it anymore, or go for it.
I want to move to Nashville, I want to get my career started. i want it to be a clear and easy path that will just get me there. But its not. I don't have any money, so do I want it bad enough to just go down there and live off nothing and work all day and play gigs all night? would I even get gigs? Am I even good? or do my friends just say so because they're my friends. do I even have a chance? do I have what it takes? how could I, julia farmer, ever, ever, ever become a country star, who would listen to my music? and why, would it be my plan? is it even Gods plan for me? if not, why on earth is it so etched into my heart. why do I have this insane connection to everything music, like its pulling at me, like its what I'm supposed to do. That I'm supposed to do this? if I leave it and let it go, I will have nothing but regrets. All I will think about is, what if? what if I had gone to nashville, what if I had tried super hard, what if I jumped for my dreams, instead of stepping for them? if I don't go for it, my heart will ache every time I hear about taylor swift and her success, it will hurt everytime pick up my guitar with just my sister listening to me sing. It will hurt everytime I think of, what if I had gone for it?
I am so lost. sounds to me like someone has some serious praying to do. and sounds to me, like I just need to move to nashville.
what if I dropped all my classes for fall? what if I was just spontaneous and let that happen because you know what, thats what I wanted to do and I did it. skrew what other people wanted for me. what if I could just do that? oh the joys of what if. if I could, I would be in nashville right now, and would have for the past year. but you know whats wrong with that statement? I could have been if I really wanted, I could have made it happen, if I really really really wanted, but I didn't. but i learned a lot this past year and what if its time now?
wow, isn't this just a lovely heart to heart we're having.
conclusion: I need to either forget about this dream, throw it away and not want it anymore, or go for it.
hangin with my top dudes + christina
had a short shift today of only 4 hours! Which left the whole evening open for shenanigans. J, David, Christina and our friend Ryan ended up going to Bel Square. ha, you would thing spending so much time at a mall for work would make me sick of 'em. ha, but this is bellevue square we're talking about, every store is BIGGER. Christina and I had a party in F21 aka dreamed of one day walking in and buying everything in the store (they have beautiful clothes right now, you see).
We then proceeded to stumble into the Mac store with the boys. Well the Iphones kept us busy for about 5 seconds and then Christina and I went to the macbook pros, and opened up photobooth.....chose the best "effect" and took maybe the most beautiful photo I had ever seen. We looked around, saw nobody watching, made the picture really big on the screen and walked over to the next one! We proceeded to 8 other computers, taking awesome pictures (oh you know my faces, but imagine them PLUS all the effects, it was beauty I say, pure beauty) if you were to walk into the middle of the store, and look around pretty much every computer had huge pictures of us, at that point, david and ryan had walked out pretending not to know us, and people were starting to look at the computers in confused laughter. So, before getting recognized we decided to dash. ha, it was quite amusing, actually super amusing, I couldn't stop laughing.
We then went to Nordstrom Rack, and Christina and I weren't looking for anything and we ended up and the dresses. We were coming across these awesome prom like dressed and really wanted to try them on! I think we ended up with 6 dresses each that were actually super beautiful! I had a lot of fun because for my prom dress, it was the only on I tried on, and then I bought it! So this was quite exciting. OH man there was this one shouldered blue one that was magnificent, and then this white one, oh baby, I have pictures I can show later. Lets just say, I really want to make it big with this whole singing thing so that I can where beautiful dresses to award shows and parties and things! Like super bad.
GAHHHHH. I should just go to nashville on my off track. how else will it happen? Pshh I DON'T HAVE MONEY. I could nanny down there? maybe I would find a person who needs an in home nanny! grrrrrrr, why does it have to be so difficult? THATS JUST WHAT I WANTTTTT. but rexburg can get me no whereeee.
wow. don't mind my crazy tangent about my dreams.
anywho, the rest of the night was just great. laughs. and being so weird. so so weird.
I have to work at 7 in the morns. so I best be going to bed.
We then proceeded to stumble into the Mac store with the boys. Well the Iphones kept us busy for about 5 seconds and then Christina and I went to the macbook pros, and opened up photobooth.....chose the best "effect" and took maybe the most beautiful photo I had ever seen. We looked around, saw nobody watching, made the picture really big on the screen and walked over to the next one! We proceeded to 8 other computers, taking awesome pictures (oh you know my faces, but imagine them PLUS all the effects, it was beauty I say, pure beauty) if you were to walk into the middle of the store, and look around pretty much every computer had huge pictures of us, at that point, david and ryan had walked out pretending not to know us, and people were starting to look at the computers in confused laughter. So, before getting recognized we decided to dash. ha, it was quite amusing, actually super amusing, I couldn't stop laughing.
We then went to Nordstrom Rack, and Christina and I weren't looking for anything and we ended up and the dresses. We were coming across these awesome prom like dressed and really wanted to try them on! I think we ended up with 6 dresses each that were actually super beautiful! I had a lot of fun because for my prom dress, it was the only on I tried on, and then I bought it! So this was quite exciting. OH man there was this one shouldered blue one that was magnificent, and then this white one, oh baby, I have pictures I can show later. Lets just say, I really want to make it big with this whole singing thing so that I can where beautiful dresses to award shows and parties and things! Like super bad.
GAHHHHH. I should just go to nashville on my off track. how else will it happen? Pshh I DON'T HAVE MONEY. I could nanny down there? maybe I would find a person who needs an in home nanny! grrrrrrr, why does it have to be so difficult? THATS JUST WHAT I WANTTTTT. but rexburg can get me no whereeee.
wow. don't mind my crazy tangent about my dreams.
anywho, the rest of the night was just great. laughs. and being so weird. so so weird.
I have to work at 7 in the morns. so I best be going to bed.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
pretty little liars finale was tonight, atleast thats what they called it? SO GOOOD SO GOOO SO GOOOOD. holy BANANAS. oh mahn. AHHHH. DUUUUDDDE. that was good, I love this show. but WHO THE FRIEK IS A?!?!?!?!?!? GOOODNESSS.
this is probably the best post I've ever posted....
this is probably the best post I've ever posted....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Blind Date
So yesterday morning I went on a blind date, it was a double with one of my friends and her boyfriend. It was in the morning because my friends boyfriend had to work later. So they picked us up at my friend Alivias house and then we went to Brennon (my blind dates) house and ate cinnabon that they had bought before hand. If you know me pretty well, I am not a big cinnamon roll person, but what was I gunna say, hmm not a huge fan! sorry not gunna eat that. haha then they were getting drinks and I haven't had real milk in a long time, i prefer almond milk. But they were asking about drinks but other things were going on and I think the fact that I wanted water didn't really get heard. So they come over with 4 tall huge glasses of milk. So I'm eating this cinnamon roll thats okay and I'm totally feeling nasty for eating something that sugary for breakfast and to wash it down, I had milk. haha I took a sip and it was all I could do to take like 5 more. haha I used the excuse, "im too full to drink the rest! i had like a whole glass of milk left.
I'm making it sound like a big deal, but it really wasn't because the date was so much fun and I did't show any hint of not liking the things! (I just found it amusing because my brothers make fun of me with all the things I don't like and have said before "man, your husband is gunna try and surprise you one morning and bring you cinnamon rolls, or make you pancakes or french toast and you're gunna be like, umm sorry hunny, I don't like those!" haha so it just made me laugh inside)
but right away we got along great. I've never been my whole self on a date ever, i'm pretty sure that applies with when I was dating Tyrel too. I dunno, I've just never let guys see my crazy side if I'm interested in them. I'm afraid I'll scare them off, which, is probably true haha. cause i am so weird. and I know that. But right away I was laughing joking, quoting movies, making faces, it was SO FUN! he was funny and weird (in a good way) too, I think thats why I felt so comfortable. At one point I made the face for alivia (the most ugly face of all time) and she's like oh Julia show that to Brennon. haha at that point I couldn't say no without disappointing some people, so I did it! dude, I'm afraid to show some people im friends with that face and here I go on a first date with this awesome guy, and I show it to him. haha ya he laughed for a long time, and like grabbed his mouth with shocked eyes and was silently cackling to himself for a bit. haha it was funny.
We played nerts, golf and then country rock band. It was a great date. We were all talking and laughing the whole time. I've never had so much fun on a date!
Dude, and we had some similarities, we're both exercise science majors, both our families are avid Pinocle players, we both love quoting movies, talking in accents, country music and being obnoxiously funny/ weird. we're probs gunna hang out tonight with some singles ward people and maybe a couple more times in the next 11 days before I go to Idaho and him to Hawaii. It was fun, and I got a new friend from it ( 1 week is just too short for a summer fling, unfortunately haha)
I'm making it sound like a big deal, but it really wasn't because the date was so much fun and I did't show any hint of not liking the things! (I just found it amusing because my brothers make fun of me with all the things I don't like and have said before "man, your husband is gunna try and surprise you one morning and bring you cinnamon rolls, or make you pancakes or french toast and you're gunna be like, umm sorry hunny, I don't like those!" haha so it just made me laugh inside)
but right away we got along great. I've never been my whole self on a date ever, i'm pretty sure that applies with when I was dating Tyrel too. I dunno, I've just never let guys see my crazy side if I'm interested in them. I'm afraid I'll scare them off, which, is probably true haha. cause i am so weird. and I know that. But right away I was laughing joking, quoting movies, making faces, it was SO FUN! he was funny and weird (in a good way) too, I think thats why I felt so comfortable. At one point I made the face for alivia (the most ugly face of all time) and she's like oh Julia show that to Brennon. haha at that point I couldn't say no without disappointing some people, so I did it! dude, I'm afraid to show some people im friends with that face and here I go on a first date with this awesome guy, and I show it to him. haha ya he laughed for a long time, and like grabbed his mouth with shocked eyes and was silently cackling to himself for a bit. haha it was funny.
We played nerts, golf and then country rock band. It was a great date. We were all talking and laughing the whole time. I've never had so much fun on a date!
Dude, and we had some similarities, we're both exercise science majors, both our families are avid Pinocle players, we both love quoting movies, talking in accents, country music and being obnoxiously funny/ weird. we're probs gunna hang out tonight with some singles ward people and maybe a couple more times in the next 11 days before I go to Idaho and him to Hawaii. It was fun, and I got a new friend from it ( 1 week is just too short for a summer fling, unfortunately haha)
who knew a blind date could be so fun?
who knew that I would instantly know we would get along?
<3 the girl that is now believing that she will find someone that isn't chased away by her crazy weird personality and ugly faces
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I love new clothes
shopping is one of my favorite things, but at the same time I almost hate it. Only because walking into a store like Urban, or F21, I want to buy everything but I can't have everything. So I hate the choosing part. I've gotten better at telling myself I can't have things though, and I don't get too broken up about it!
So I got these great Black Cigarette skinny's at Urban, and I'm pumped for them, they're adorable! And then some cute blouses from F21 which I love. But I would have to say my favorite purchase of the night goes to these my friends. My new Sperry's! They were at Nordstrom Rack, so I was quite lucky to come across them, and that the only pair happened to be my size. Lets just say I'm excited and that it was a good trip :)

So I got these great Black Cigarette skinny's at Urban, and I'm pumped for them, they're adorable! And then some cute blouses from F21 which I love. But I would have to say my favorite purchase of the night goes to these my friends. My new Sperry's! They were at Nordstrom Rack, so I was quite lucky to come across them, and that the only pair happened to be my size. Lets just say I'm excited and that it was a good trip :)

Also, one of my friends in my stake (she'll be a senior this year) randomly called me and wants to set me up on a blind date with this guy who is friends with her boy. Apparently he's a return missionary and cute and stuff so I'm excited. I don't know his name or if its going to be a single date or a double with them. But hey, a date with a cute guy? I'll take her word for it, I'm excited! it's been a while since I've been on one. Hopefully he's not super charming because I'm leavin in 2 weeks.
Yay for spontaneous things that make your day.
New found love
Flare my friends. Awesome photo editing app for my dear Mac. I love love love it! Its similar to Instagram for the Iphone, but in a more computeresque way. I've basically stayed up until 2:30 in the morning messing with photos. ha woops! atleast tomorrow is my day off :) plans? sleep in, go running, tan, ultimate frisbee. It should be a good day. Oh also, today? My awesome mommy took me shopping/ met me at the mall after my shift with my brothas and we had a good time! I will shpeel on what I got later, I'm quite excited. But for right now, you need to see photos my dear friend Flare has assisted in making look cooler.
and this is pretty much just using 1 preset. there are tons of others I want to try, but I fell in love with this one and kept using it. Isn't it cool? It makes them look all old and stuff, and I personaly really like it! ps. the top one of me and Jannette, I didn't even know they had taken that photo until I uploaded my pictures onto my comp, I really like it!
wow, it is definitely bed time.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Running Buddy
Today was my last day running with Jannette/ last time I see her until Christmas/ a Utah visit. I hate goodbyes. I'm really bad at them. Not that I get all emotional and can't stand saying goodbye, but that I take it for granted and it never feels like I'm saying bye! It never feels like they're gone until I'm doing something I would do with them. Like my runs with her! I'm really gonna miss her then. Wow, it sounds like she's died or something. ha. I mean we'll be skyping and we're pretty much friends forever so I have nothing to worry about. Just sad that I have to be here for another 16 days when she's at school. Good bye my running buddy! you are so cool. and I love you
<3 your pan of onions
<3 your pan of onions
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm addicted
Hi, I'm Julia, and I'm addicted to Pinterest.
Fact. I go on all the time, and for hours. In fact, I go on so much, that I go on and nothing has changed because none of my followers have been on yet and posted! So then I search random shiz and discover some great finds. Its a problem. My eyes start to hurt and I get headaches and I just can't put my computer down! K maybe thats a little dramatic, but its a problem.
I have 12 boards:
1. I want to travel the world
2. Dream Closet
3. Home Sweet Home- Home Ideas
4. that One day- some great inspiration for wedding Ideas! when the time comes of course
5. People- beautiful men and women
6. Words- Some quotes!
7. Yummy Food <3
8. Hair
9. Things I like- Miscellaneous stuff
10. Motivations for healthy living- The board that has inspired me a lot when it comes to working out!
11. To Make- DIY's
12. Guilt Free Food
See what I mean? Its amazing. Not sure what pinterest is? Its basically blog heaven. You can create different 'boards' like mine, and then you can pin whatever you want onto that board. ^Like this DIY scarf, I saw it, and loved it, so I pinned it to my "To Make" board. Whenever I want to actually make it, I will go back to that pin and it will have the original link and take me right to where it tells me how to make it! Its amazing. Also, you need an invite, so if you don't have one but want one, tell me and give me your email and i'll send you an inite! It is just great.
Fact. I go on all the time, and for hours. In fact, I go on so much, that I go on and nothing has changed because none of my followers have been on yet and posted! So then I search random shiz and discover some great finds. Its a problem. My eyes start to hurt and I get headaches and I just can't put my computer down! K maybe thats a little dramatic, but its a problem.
I have 12 boards:
1. I want to travel the world
2. Dream Closet
3. Home Sweet Home- Home Ideas
4. that One day- some great inspiration for wedding Ideas! when the time comes of course
5. People- beautiful men and women
6. Words- Some quotes!
7. Yummy Food <3
8. Hair
9. Things I like- Miscellaneous stuff
10. Motivations for healthy living- The board that has inspired me a lot when it comes to working out!
11. To Make- DIY's
12. Guilt Free Food
1. this might be difficult- but I'm gunna choose one of my favorite picture from each board <3 oh baby!
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Love this, Love her. (Dream Closet) |
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Talk about beautiful people.....(People) |
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Frozen Samoa Pie, I mean what. And there are a million more mouth watering treats I need to try! ( Yumm Food <3) |
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So many hair do's I need to try! (Hair) |
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Super moon over Parthenon (I want to Travel the World |
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In love with this color combo! (Home sweet home) |
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Pinterest has given me so many ideas for when I get married , and this dress? Possibly my dream dress. ( that One day) |
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I chose this one, because it made me laugh so hard when I read it! ( Words) |
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Awesome motivation! This is my favorite board. ( Motivations for healthy living) |
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I just enjoy this. (Things I like) |
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Yum <3 I love smoothies! ( Guilt Free Food) |
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Old t-shirt + lace! Definitely want to make this (To Make) |
Here is a link to all my boards:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
So this past weekend I was able to go camping with some of my best friends from high school. It was such a blast! Its not like we did a whole lot either! We just enjoyed the time together, spent it talking, laughing, and eating....haha it was great. We did the same trip with our guy friends Cameron and Kevin last year. But this year they are on their missions, so we made it a girl trip! We spent a lot of the time in the tent, playing games, and just talking. Finally on Saturday the sun came out around 3 so we moved from the tent to a blanket near the little lake there and just talked. It was so refreshing and so fun. And it was well needed! I've been apart from those girls for a year, and I only have another week with Jannette! It really is quite depressing, we used to see each other everyday in High School. Oh, and we took a lot of photos, because thats just kind of what we do :)
^also, the first thing we did when we got there was go to dinner at the Eagles Nest. As we were getting out of the car, Jannette said "wouldnt it be funny guys if I locked my keys in my car?" haha so we go in and eat, and then all of a sudden she's like, where are my keys?!?!? sure enough there they are on the drivers seat. This guy from the restraunt named Jonny came and helped us and tried to get the door open until AAA came about an hour later. Jonny was hilarious! He definitley kept us company and we had quite exciting conversations.
It was an excellent weekend :)
haha, Good Morning! |
first off, we made a fire, and then made foil dinners! We were quite proud of ourselves, and those foil dinners were delicious! |
It was an excellent weekend :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
2 weeks of Paradise
I always put off blogging about things that happen and are totally awesome or were so much fun because there is just too much to write! I get a little overwhelmed and I don't like it! So this might be the shortest blog about the best 2 weeks.
first off, I love McCall. Its paradise
2nd, we had excellent weather the whole time, 80's
3rd, I love my family
4th, I love my cousins, they're the best
5th, 007 was a little more adventurous and awesome this year
6th, parasailing is my new favorite thing. ITS AWESOME
7th, Now that McCalls done, and I've experienced home for a few days, I'm ready to go back to Rexburg
8th, I was pretty good at wearing sunscreen till the last 3 way tan AND LOVED IT. i guess my attempt at not getting skin cancer and all my cousins discussed it, we're pretty much all gunna get it, I guess thats what you get for getting a tan gene, you have no reason to wear sunscreen because you don't burn! and your obsessed with being tan...its a love hate relationship me and tan-ness have.
9th, Yoga on the beach is quite relaxing
10th, I swam across the lake, 1.5 miles SO FUN, wasn't even that bad!
11th, slept on the dock with all my cousins, it was a party
12th, checked so many things off my life list
13th, had the best 2 weeks of my life and I want to go back.
already counting down the weeks till I go back, 5!!!!
first off, I love McCall. Its paradise
2nd, we had excellent weather the whole time, 80's
3rd, I love my family
4th, I love my cousins, they're the best
5th, 007 was a little more adventurous and awesome this year
6th, parasailing is my new favorite thing. ITS AWESOME
7th, Now that McCalls done, and I've experienced home for a few days, I'm ready to go back to Rexburg
8th, I was pretty good at wearing sunscreen till the last 3 way tan AND LOVED IT. i guess my attempt at not getting skin cancer and all my cousins discussed it, we're pretty much all gunna get it, I guess thats what you get for getting a tan gene, you have no reason to wear sunscreen because you don't burn! and your obsessed with being tan...its a love hate relationship me and tan-ness have.
9th, Yoga on the beach is quite relaxing
10th, I swam across the lake, 1.5 miles SO FUN, wasn't even that bad!
11th, slept on the dock with all my cousins, it was a party
12th, checked so many things off my life list
13th, had the best 2 weeks of my life and I want to go back.
already counting down the weeks till I go back, 5!!!!
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