Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2 weeks of Paradise

I always put off blogging about things that happen and are totally awesome or were so much fun because there is just too much to write! I get a little overwhelmed and I don't like it! So this might be the shortest blog about the best 2 weeks.

first off, I love McCall. Its paradise
2nd, we had excellent weather the whole time, 80's
3rd, I love my family
4th, I love my cousins, they're the best
5th, 007 was a little more adventurous and awesome this year
6th, parasailing is my new favorite thing. ITS AWESOME
7th, Now that McCalls done, and I've experienced home for a few days, I'm ready to go back to Rexburg
8th, I was pretty good at wearing sunscreen till the last 3 way tan AND LOVED IT. i guess my attempt at not getting skin cancer and all my cousins discussed it, we're pretty much all gunna get it, I guess thats what you get for getting a tan gene, you have no reason to wear sunscreen because you don't burn! and your obsessed with being tan...its a love hate relationship me and tan-ness have.
9th, Yoga on the beach is quite relaxing
10th, I swam across the lake, 1.5 miles SO FUN, wasn't even that bad!
11th, slept on the dock with all my cousins, it was a party
12th, checked so many things off my life list
13th, had the best 2 weeks of my life and I want to go back.

already counting down the weeks till I go back, 5!!!!



  1. ummm i LOVE how blonde your hair looks!! GO BLONDE! :)

  2. it's like, people don't know what they're missing!!! seriously though.

    a. i better get to go parasailing or i'll punch someone.
    b. you're hair looks great.
    c. wow my hair looks red in that picture. who knew.
    d. miss you already.
    e. you're going back in 5 weeks?
    f. come visit us in UT or i'll punch someone.

    love you!

  3. i freakin miss you already! what a great weekend! i love youuu!! and had so much fun with you! come and visit us in Utah! :) you can stay in our apartment and everything. partayyy!

  4. Yeah it was pretty much amazing! We are so lucky to have such a place!
