Saturday, January 29, 2011


My whole life I have wanted to do a triathlon, marathon, or even half marathon. I just wanted so bad to do something that I had to train extensively for and when doing it, would push my body to its limits. Well finally, I have my chance! My brother, David, came home from his mission all fit and anxious to do something like that. I cannot tell you how happy this made me! I finally had a motivator! Since home from college, I've run almost everyday, but just running ya know? I had no "thing" I was training for. Well in June, David is doing a triathlon and I'm like, Hecks ya I'm doing this with you!! So now I have and end in site, June, run, bike, and swim. I have running and swimming in the bag, all I have to do it get fit in those things and train. I ran cross country for 5 years and since then, though not on a team, I still run. And swim team, I did for roughly 8 years all together. 
My first year, 6th grade!

And then my last, 10th grade

Couldn't find pictures of when I was 5, so you get me in 7th grade on Swim team

                                                        And then my Senior year, at State! (Lane 7)
We got 2nd! Only missed being the State Champions by 4 points.
We were so sure we were going to win!

Okay, so the point of this, I have experience swimming and running. Oh ya, theres one more thing in a triathlon, 
I believe its biking. What I have to say about that is...
I've never biked before. Ever.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home Alone

These next 3 months I'm home from school until I go back in the spring. Its nice because I get to work without having to worry about paying for housing or food, and I get to be home with my family. But what I am missing is some quality friend time. All my friends are at college. I am home alone. At least thats how it feels. My days consist of work, some quality time on my laptop instead of with friends, guitar playing, staying up till 4 am because I can't sleep, thinking too much, writing depressing songs because I feel alone, feeling bad for myself and I don't want to do this anymore! Im sick of wallowing in my own self pity. I don't even have it that bad! Let me tell you about all the awesome things that have happened since I've been home. I've turned 19, only one more year as a teenager! 
Went to Montana with this girl

To visit this boy, we had the time of our lives

Been able to chill with my favorite little ones :)

And have had some quality time with my guitar.

Hopefully producing some quality songs. :]
Sometimes I just need to pause and think about how blessed I am, then life feels right, no matter whats going on :)