These next 3 months I'm home from school until I go back in the spring. Its nice because I get to work without having to worry about paying for housing or food, and I get to be home with my family. But what I am missing is some quality friend time. All my friends are at college. I am home alone. At least thats how it feels. My days consist of work, some quality time on my laptop instead of with friends, guitar playing, staying up till 4 am because I can't sleep, thinking too much, writing depressing songs because I feel alone, feeling bad for myself and I don't want to do this anymore! Im sick of wallowing in my own self pity. I don't even have it that bad! Let me tell you about all the awesome things that have happened since I've been home. I've turned 19, only one more year as a teenager!
Went to Montana with this girl
To visit this boy, we had the time of our lives
Been able to chill with my favorite little ones :)
And have had some quality time with my guitar.
Hopefully producing some quality songs. :]
Sometimes I just need to pause and think about how blessed I am, then life feels right, no matter whats going on :)
Love the picture with my kids! Hilarious!! And yeah, sometimes you just have to pause and think about how much we really have! I have to do it too. Love you!