Wednesday, September 21, 2011


talk about an emotional roller coaster!
today went great, enjoyed my classes, and my last class, Military Fitness was just a blast.
yes of course it was difficult but a cute guy in the class and I get along real well, we joke with each other and its just fun, and on the run we ran next to each other an talked. It was great, then I got home and just had the muchies and I hate it when I get the munchies. So I tried to do homework which didn't work at all. Thinking back, I honestly have no idea what I did from 4:30 to 7.... what a waste of time. Then I went to a swim team registration and was all excited for that. Then I came home and felt horrible! Something was wrong, there was no reason for me to be unhappy, but I was. I just didn't feel good emotionally. Then I went to country dancing where I totally danced with a guy I had a minnie crush on last semester, and it made my night. but by the time he left, I was feeling low again. On the way home I got thinking way too much. So I went on another run to clear my head and now I'm just so emotionally drained. Happiness, excitement, giddiness, hopelessness, confusion of the future, fear, pain. I think its time I call it a night.

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