Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Just in case you didn't know, J and I have opposite schedules. We both work our second jobs at Abercrombie but he works mornings there and then in the afternoon goes to his full time job. And I work my full time job during the day and then I go to Abercrombie at night. AKA, we never see eachother. Which stinks. Especially with having no friends in town. Well, today is J's day off. So I ran home from work, right as he's walking out the door.... :/ he had to go practice a song at church and was already late. Lame Bananas! Cause today was our one day to see each other other than at midnight. It just stinks. Now I leave for work in about 30 mins. And wont be home till about midnight. So much for some hangout time. okay, sorry, I just had to say this, cause its NOT a wonderful. lol
k. heres the good stuff.

1. The fact that I got to be with Jannette this weekend.
2. 5 weeks till school.
3. Nice long working hours so I don't have to face the fact that I have no social life
4. Getting some of my songs played on the radio. YEE BOI
5. The Bachelor finale next week. I CAN'T WAIT
6. Sore Abs
7. Putting together my schedule for school :) highlight: Ballet!
8. This Blog. I thouroughly enjoy blogging... maybe too much..
9. The boots I bought!! I cannot wait to get them. See them 2 posts below :) they're gorgeous

k theres more wonderful things, but I have to run to work. TOODLES


  1. I like #1!!! :D
    And I miss you terribly already.

  2. I like # 5, 6, and 7!! Sore abs are the best feeling ever! Bachelor is amazing although I don't think he's going to pick emily as much as I want him to. And uhhh 7 cause it's my lucky number AND you happen to put ballet into it :)
