Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shootery Bob

I forgot yesterday was wednesday! I lose track of days here, Its not good.
Ready for some wonderfuls?

1. The Birds chirping on my run yesterday, and when I woke up this morning (instant smile)
2. The fact that I have been working out. My goodness. Let me tell you. I'm supposed to be going to school in a month and take ballet and wear this little too too. HAH. well Hello large julia, I'm sorry but you need to go away. K i know not large but sorry guys, I can't ignore the fact that I've gained a few!
4. Putting together my perfect schedule. And I mean perfect! Not starting till 10:15 three days a week and everyday being done by 1:00. Oh baby! perfect for summer :)
5. Everything turning more green day by day. Spring time!
6. My knew boots
7. The best chocolate cookies of my life today. Seriously. They were thick and moist, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. (and this is why the last part of #2 is a problem)
8. Everyone at the office discovering me on Youtube and then playing it. Um hello we have patients! this is embarrassing! But still made me happy with all their kind comments. like "what on earth are you doing here pulling charts?? haha" gotta pay for school somehow.
9. Everyone in my life. I love you. Yep you. You are amazing. Life is amazing. And I am so greatful for it all.
10. The Gospel. Its a wonderful thing. and true too. Wonderful and True? Double wonderful.
11. YOU. you are wonderful! Wonderful for even reading my blog:)
12. Oh and last, this picture. Me and J like to think we could be models. Its our favorite pass time.

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