My Wonderfuls!
1. Telling the place I'm living for spring who I want my roommates to be.
2. Working oodles and oodles this week! monayyy
3. Having two siblings get really bad strep throat, and I didn't!! *Crossing fingers and knocking on wood.
4. Open Mic Show on saturday! Playing 4 originals, Beating For You, Lucky, You Stole I Love You, and Hand Me Down Love!
5. Suddenly completely waking up 2 seconds before my alarm goes off. It's not so obnoxious then.
6. The fact that I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, instead I'm on my floor stretching and thinking about all the wonderful things in my life
7. The Summer day we had yesterday! 61 and sunny!! It was a taste of summer. I barely got to enjoy it, but it looked nice outside my office and felt good on my run.
8. Because of the glorious weather, seeing tons of people running and biking on my way to Abercrombie. It makes me happy.
9. Trying to get back in shape for school, triathlon, cross country (hmm...yes I think I am going to do this), and slowly but surely getting there!
10. STUMBLEUPON. Is my favorite! I have my interests set as -Outdoors and -Nature. I'm getting Amazing stuff about the world I had no idea existed. Things that look out of this world. My next post is going to be all the incredible things I've found on there. It really is awesome, because I'm learning a lot.
ps. I had a dream last night that my family and I went back to my old middle school in Marysville and I saw my old gym teacher Mr. V and he gave my whole family deep red Abercrombie footy pajamas, for free. It was pretty cool.
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