Sunday, April 17, 2011

Utah? okay

So yesterday I just went to utah. Out of the blue, my old roommate was getting married but I hadn't planned on going and then my other old roommate needed someone to sing a duet with here cause her boyfriend couldn't go. So an hour after deciding to go we left. Oh and did I mention I had to learn a song on the guitar and memorize all the lyrics in about 4 hours? I had heard the song once. I was nervous, and I never get nervous. And then we get there and the bride comes up and is talking to us, and ya, no big deal we're singing/playing their first dance. SHOOT. no pressure. So we're practicing a little bit before and I'm butchering it. Like messing up the lyrics/forgetting them and forgetting the guitar chords. I was so scared, so me and Bailey said a little prayer before hand at our table just under our breath. And about half way through the song i thought thank goodness we said that prayer. It went so smoothly! And I didn't mess up! Which totally surprised me because moments before I couldn't remember some lyrics. Lets just say it was a fun short trip to utah!

1 comment:

  1. Watched the video! You sound great! Way to go for learning the song so fast(and praying!). That's awesome. :)
