Sunday, April 29, 2012

True Joy

Talked about finding true joy and happiness today in church. Loved it.
It put me in this amazing mood, I just loved it.
It got me thinking about how all my happiest times are when my family is all together and just how grateful I am for how amazing they are!!

It also made me so happy about the gospel and how I am so glad its in my life because that is really how I find joy in everything. There is so much hope in the world and its just been a joyful day.

A few excitements

1. My oldest sister Annalise just had her first baby!! I now have a new nephew. His name is John Edward Sandberg. Isn't that just a lovely name? and from the pictures I see, he's pretty dang cute. Can't wait to hold him!

2. In exactly 2 months from today I will be doing this again. I don't think word can express how freaking excited I am....

3. Its CHRISTINAS birthday today :) She's 21 my friends. All grown up, I love her! So glad we're able to live together this semester.

get to run 6 miles tomorrow morning, I've been away from running for a while because of a really bad cold. Can't wait to be back on track!


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