Thursday, February 24, 2011

My day and a cover

Heres a link to the cover that was played on the radio, not professional at all, just recorded in my room on my laptop, hope you likey!

Today was a pretty sweet day. 
a, because It was snowing. And not just any snow. It was floating, like a dream, so I guess you could say this was dream snow.
b, because when I got home from work, there was cake, and my stomach welcomed it gladly
c, because I worked out even though I didn't want to
d, because I spent some quality time with my sis Rosalee aka Robeo
e, because we took a lot of photos
and f, because she listened to me when I randomly picked up my guitar and was playing random songs out of my song book. hoping to present to her a song she hadn't heard. No such luck. She just listened though. I guess thats what made me content.

*heres some glorious evidence of mine and Robeo's quality evening

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Awkward and Awesome

Woke up this morning with my face totally swollen, like GRANDE.  Friday night I thought I had an allergic reaction to something because I was itching a lot, and my eyelids were swelling slightly. I woke up saturday with just a little swelling of my eyes. And it went down as the day went on and all was good! So I thought..... Last night the itching returned! Except it was everywhere! My arms, my neck, my back and my face. I went to bed, then woke up this morning and instantly new something was totally off. My lips were HUGE. I looked in the mirror and I could barely recognize myself, I looked like a monkey. My whole face was swollen quite badly, my lips being the worst. It was embarrassing.  As the morning progressed, my left had blew up, then started to go down as my right hand swelled. I must say, today might have been the most attractive day of my life, with a swollen face and sausage fingers and all. Today was quality.

 And I'm telling you this is AWESOME. I was played on the radio for the first time! And I didn't even know until afterward!  It wasn't any of my professional ones, and it wasn't even an original. But I don't mind! It was my cover of country strong this was the comment from the DJ- I just wanted to tell you, your youtube song of country strong was played on the radio last night around 10:15 pm. Everyone loved you, panama city hear fm"in Florida! My year was made and I'm just so happy! Like DUDE, I was just on the radio, whattttttt? Happy days.
PS- I totally stole this Awkward and Awesome idea from The Daybook

I can't smile big enough right now :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

At the moment

Five things that make me happy

1. My red hair
I just love it, love love love love love love love love. I love you hair
2.  The Daybook 
My friend Christina showed me this girls blog and I instantly fell in love. Sydney ( The Daybook) has the cutest style I have ever seen, I urge you to go to her blog. Its a Must. (I have a problem staying up really late looking at her blog).
3. Noxzema triple clean cleansing pads
my life savers. My random acne break out ever since september= GONE
4. Apples
except these should go on my list of things I can't live without
5.  My turquoise hoody
I wear it daily. Thats right, D-a-i-l-y.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homemade Macaroni

As I'm sitting here, eating this marvelous homemade macaroni and cheese I made myself, I'm just thinking away. Alls I have to say is, I waited my whole life, okay, maybe just 3 years of my dating life, to be in a relationship, like have a boyfriend! I was so excited to be like yes, this is my boyfriend. I just wanted to know what it was like. The extent of my boy life in High School consisted of me and my best friends turning to each other when we saw a beautiful boy and being like, ummmm HELLO, he's gorgeous. My friends were single throughout high school too.  And we'd have marvelous talks about finding the guy who will love us forever and whom we will love forever. We'd have these conversations A LOT, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. One problem , it was one-sided, we were missing the boys. haha Then I finally got in my first relationship, and I was so excited! It was fun, and then ended like all do until you find the right one. And now, I'm sitting here, stuffing my face with macaroni and I'm like DUDE. My time of being single is limited. Once I find the right guy, I will be taken for all of eternity. Which, duh, is AWESOME. But for right now, I'm single and I am not about to complain about being single like I did in High school. I'm going to enjoy it! YAY SINGLE ME. kloveyoubye

Monday, February 14, 2011


Today I got a box of See's candy from work. I ate all 20 chocolates by myself.
:) Jealous?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


So today, I got my hair done. I am no longer a brunette, I'm a red head! Thats right, I went red, and I absolutely love it, so so so so much :) Unfortunately, my hair was so long and damaged that like 4 to 5 inches had to come off to be totally healthy, but I was like, I don't care how short, just get all the split ends off! And with that much cut off, Its still a decent length, and a nice fun change. I'm enjoying it! And this time I will baby it as it grows longer so that I will have 2 feet of healthy hair :) well, heres my color!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well I guess I have one more year as a teenager. BANANAS. I gotta make it a good one. So I totally got this idea from my cousin Kaitlin, I loved her post, 22 goals for my 22nd year. Why have I never made a goal sheet for my year? Or even a legit New Years resolution? Well here we go.

19 goals for my 19th year:
1. Write in my journal more
2. Sew a bathing suit and skirt (plan to do this currently while on break)
3. Do a Half Marathon and Triathlon
4. Go from brown to red hair (in the next month probs!)
5. When I'm bored, do things for others
6. Wear sunscreen more
7. Stop picking my nails and split ends in Sacrament Meeting
8. Perform live, not just at a talent show, but have an actual Gig
9. Smile when I'm walking from place to place (I have a death glare when I walk)
10. Not get Shin Splints
11. Keep in better touch with my friends at BYU and BYUH they're the best and I love them
12. Read more, like I used to (currently on The Divinci Code)
13. Clean out my closet (I don't give clothes up very easily. I still have stuff from 7th grade. THEY NEED TO GO)
14. Drink more water
15. Be on a sports team at school
16. Read my scriptures more diligently
17. When at school, take advantage of the Temple being so close
18. Bake something new once a week
19. Be positive