Wednesday, March 30, 2011


and no, not a world war, this is wonderful wednesday people! Oh ya, and actually on time, bonus points for me!

1. Last night (short description): Crazy night with McCall and Sydney. Quote of the night "Oh man, why is the candy all the way in the back (of the store), this is just WAY too difficult.
2. The movie Tangled. So funny and just makes me happy!
3. Had a family day today, went to Bainbridge Island, saw my great grandparents house and the building that used to be the store they owned!
4. BEST BBQ I've had, like ever. today. Still have a huge food baby from it
5. Conference this weekend, oh ya :)
6. I get to take my truck to school. YES. I am so excited for this.
7.  Wrote a new song that I superly love, Not For Tonight. I'm way behind on my recording. I have like 12 to record! oops!
8. 16 days, whatttt
9. This song, pretty sure I'm going to cover it. I had no idea she sang!
10. Had an Open Mic this last weekend, so fun! It went well :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It was a long day

Wonderful Wednesday! A day late again of course. Yesterday was a whillwind, I worked at the doctors office during the day, then barely had enough time to go running and shower, shovel food down my throat and then run to Abercrombie, getting home at 11:30. I was so beat It took me a while to fall asleep. 

My Wonderfuls!
1. Telling the place I'm living for spring who I want my roommates to be. 
2. Working oodles and oodles this week! monayyy
3. Having two siblings get really bad strep throat, and I didn't!! *Crossing fingers and knocking on wood.
4. Open Mic Show on saturday! Playing 4 originals, Beating For You, Lucky, You Stole I Love You, and Hand Me Down Love!
5. Suddenly completely waking up 2 seconds before my alarm goes off. It's not so obnoxious then. 
6. The fact that I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, instead I'm on my floor stretching and thinking about all the wonderful things in my life
7. The Summer day we had yesterday! 61 and sunny!! It was a taste of summer. I barely got to enjoy it, but it looked nice outside my office and felt good on my run.
8. Because of the glorious weather, seeing tons of people running and biking on my way to Abercrombie. It makes me happy.
9. Trying to get back in shape for school, triathlon, cross country (hmm...yes I think I am going to do this), and slowly but surely getting there! 
10. STUMBLEUPON. Is my favorite!  I have my interests set as -Outdoors and -Nature. I'm getting Amazing stuff about the world I had no idea existed. Things that look out of this world. My next post is going to be all the incredible things I've found on there. It really is awesome, because I'm learning a lot. 

ps. I had a dream last night that my family and I went back to my old middle school in Marysville and I saw my old gym teacher Mr. V and he gave my whole family deep red Abercrombie footy pajamas, for free. It was pretty cool.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weird Bananas

what are walls called in norway? NORWALS.
wtft? My mind is so weird. I was sitting here like, hmm I want to think of a clever title. Boom my mind goes into this whirlwind of weird bananas and soon I'm trying to think up my own joke, I look at my bedroom wall, and soon I'm flying to Norway. Then I realized that norwals is actually spelt Narwals and now the joke has to be about Narnia instead of Norway and it just got way too complicated.

Now I can't even remember what I was going to blog about.

I asked my sister if I should be concerned with how much of a friek I am. She didn't respond.
A lot of the time I feel like she's the older sister. She's 13. When she looks at me after I do something weird, I just feel like an immature little one and she looks at me like a wise older sister. Its actually kind of awesome.

Oh ya, I remember, I WAS GOING TO TELL YOU MY SCHEDULE. I hope you just yelled that in your head, cause I did!
Its pretty beautiful.

 Monday                     Tuesday & Thursday           Wednesday & Friday        
7:45-8:45                                             10:15-11:15                                                         10:15-11:15
Intro to Business                       Ballet Beginning                                      Transitions in Art & Culture
10:15-11:15                                Science Foundations   
Transitions in 
Art and Culture                              12:45-1:45
                                                         Book of Mormon
And then I have two online classes, Financial Accounting and Advanced writing & Critical Thinking.
Do you see that beautiful schedule? So open! This openness is great for summer term but also so I can get and have time for a job. Oh baby! I'm so excited people!
also, I must have counted wrong somewhere, cause there are 24 more days. 24 more days people!

ps. wtft= what the french toast. see this video. seriously. its funny.

love, the girl who's about to zonk out, night

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Well hello there, Spring

shoot dang, I welcome you with welcome arms! Yesterday and today were super sunny and warm. Today actually felt like the first day of spring :) which is good (considering last year it poured). Yesterday we went to the beach and played some frisbee and just chilled as a family (Alicia and Scott's family too) before I had to run the work. It was good while it lasted. pshh, good, what am I saying. It was WONDERFUL. 
some vitamin D for the first time in months!

Add caption

Parker! Who did some walkin! 

A little solemn looking. He refused to take a picture with me!

Grandpa with Sydney and David

Do you see the sun in our hair? OH BABY

seriously, the sun. Its making me happy

Looking out our window and its so colorful!
Tomorrow morning I wake up at 4:45 to sign up for classes at 5. I don't know if mere words could express my excitement. And there is no sarcasm here! I truly am looking forward to it because that makes school feel closer. 26 more days. And yes, every time I post I'm going to put how many days left until I leave. sorry

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shootery Bob

I forgot yesterday was wednesday! I lose track of days here, Its not good.
Ready for some wonderfuls?

1. The Birds chirping on my run yesterday, and when I woke up this morning (instant smile)
2. The fact that I have been working out. My goodness. Let me tell you. I'm supposed to be going to school in a month and take ballet and wear this little too too. HAH. well Hello large julia, I'm sorry but you need to go away. K i know not large but sorry guys, I can't ignore the fact that I've gained a few!
4. Putting together my perfect schedule. And I mean perfect! Not starting till 10:15 three days a week and everyday being done by 1:00. Oh baby! perfect for summer :)
5. Everything turning more green day by day. Spring time!
6. My knew boots
7. The best chocolate cookies of my life today. Seriously. They were thick and moist, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. (and this is why the last part of #2 is a problem)
8. Everyone at the office discovering me on Youtube and then playing it. Um hello we have patients! this is embarrassing! But still made me happy with all their kind comments. like "what on earth are you doing here pulling charts?? haha" gotta pay for school somehow.
9. Everyone in my life. I love you. Yep you. You are amazing. Life is amazing. And I am so greatful for it all.
10. The Gospel. Its a wonderful thing. and true too. Wonderful and True? Double wonderful.
11. YOU. you are wonderful! Wonderful for even reading my blog:)
12. Oh and last, this picture. Me and J like to think we could be models. Its our favorite pass time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

they came

they came. THEY CAME!
YAYUH. My boots came :) Seriously so excited right now. and they fit. and I love them. They're a little snug around the calves but thats something I'm used to, seeing as I have ginormous calves. Anywho, everyone at work will be relieved that they came because then maybe I'll stop talking about them so much haha. I was a little obsessed while waiting for them. Like I would check the "status" of the delivery online every 2 hours. yup. K heres some pictures :)

aren't they just darling??
ps. 30 more days until I leave for school. 
cue Hallelujah chorus 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yep, I'm the new girl

So as many of you know, I recently started working at Abercrombie for my last month here. HA. I have just had so many funny and embarrassing experiences there. So here you go and I hope you get a laugh.

-  So the other day a light burnt out and a fellow employee with the help of my manager got a latter and was fixing the light and everything but she realized it had broken past the point of just switching the bulb so my manager called someone to fix it. So we kept the latter out. My manager asked me if I was affraid of hights and if not,  to grab the stuff at the top of the latter (gloves and stuff) and then hide it. So I start to climb the latter and I'm thinking 'Oh my gosh...these are the skinniest steps in the world and so flimsy! I'm not afraid of heights but I was concerned with the stability of the latter. Right as I'm getting to the top my manager is like"Oh my gosh, JULIA! you climbed the latter on the wrong side! Yup, its definitely my second day of work, and I climbed the latter the wrong way almost falling to my death. It didn't hurt my pride at all...

-Yesterday a guy probably in his forties walked in and was like "excuse me, this might be a dumb question, but do you guys sell that one thing.. Juicy..Juicy..." "juicy couture?" ya that! haha no....that would be Nordstrom.

-My favorite is when you ask someone if you can help them and you immediately regret your decision because they start to talk with this super heavy accent, whether it be Russian, or middle eastern or oriental,  and honestly they start to talk and I'm like crap, I have no idea what your saying. And multiple times I've just had to flat out be like, " I'm sorry, can you repeat that? and I try with all my might to catch one word.

-A cute one was when a lady pushing a stroller walks in and is like, "every time I walk by your store I smell it and just absolutely love it. Where can I find the cologne? ...I wonder if my husband will like it..
so I point her in the direction and minutes later she walks out of the store with a small bad and a smile on her face, about to surprise her husband with this wonderful smell, that he will now smell like. I thought it was cute :)

-One that goes with the strong accents. I asked this guy ( asian, in his 50's) if there was anything he needed help with and he said something about sweaters and he had like 5 on his arm and I was just like umm theres more in the corner over there. I kind of forgot about him and like an hour later he walks out with eight bags. eight. of the big ones! Do you realize how much money that is? Easily $2,000! And Im like oh have a good day! "Oh I'll be back!" He says. Shoot dang, guy! Then sure enough, I'm back by the register an hour later and there he is checking out tons and tons of clothes. Oh and ya, it was like all girl stuff. He walks out after buying everything and the manager is like, wow, he just spent 4 grand. NO BIG DEAL. All girl stuff in bulk, he's obviously buying to sell later but STILL.

-On my first day, I was trying to hook my walkie talkie to my pocket and instead somehow it went flying across the floor. "I saw that" one of my fellow employees says. it was embarrassing.

-yesterday I met the only guy manager we have for the first time. He introduced himself and I me and we went to shake hands but somehow my hand got like stopped or something and we ended up shaking each others fingers. And he's beautiful too. I was embarrassed.

Just some funny things that have happened there, I love working there so much, and wish I had applied right when I got back instead of waiting so long.

Love, the girl thats never been a preppy girl,
but is enjoying working at the preppy of all preppy stores,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Just in case you didn't know, J and I have opposite schedules. We both work our second jobs at Abercrombie but he works mornings there and then in the afternoon goes to his full time job. And I work my full time job during the day and then I go to Abercrombie at night. AKA, we never see eachother. Which stinks. Especially with having no friends in town. Well, today is J's day off. So I ran home from work, right as he's walking out the door.... :/ he had to go practice a song at church and was already late. Lame Bananas! Cause today was our one day to see each other other than at midnight. It just stinks. Now I leave for work in about 30 mins. And wont be home till about midnight. So much for some hangout time. okay, sorry, I just had to say this, cause its NOT a wonderful. lol
k. heres the good stuff.

1. The fact that I got to be with Jannette this weekend.
2. 5 weeks till school.
3. Nice long working hours so I don't have to face the fact that I have no social life
4. Getting some of my songs played on the radio. YEE BOI
5. The Bachelor finale next week. I CAN'T WAIT
6. Sore Abs
7. Putting together my schedule for school :) highlight: Ballet!
8. This Blog. I thouroughly enjoy blogging... maybe too much..
9. The boots I bought!! I cannot wait to get them. See them 2 posts below :) they're gorgeous

k theres more wonderful things, but I have to run to work. TOODLES

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So you know how I'm supposed to be training for a Triathlon thats in like 3 months? ha. ya. When I first decided to do it, I was doing great! I was running like 20 -25 miles a week. I thought I was doing great. Even just working out wise I was proud of myself. Ever since Last september when I started school, the longest I went without working out was 4 days. Haha well....I shot that one down, I worked out for the first time today in 11 days!!!!!!! And all I did was P90x, which was like 20 mins. pathetic. In just 11 days I feel like I lost EVERYTHING that I gained in working out often for 6 months. But if I think this, then I'm not going to start again, which is NOT good. So I'm having a battle with myself. My mind is sayin, haha don't even try to run, you'll be slow, While my heart is like You can do this girl! It was just an 11 day break, go attack those trails like their nobodies business. blech. I hate the part where you get unmotivated....I want to do this triathlon!!! So baaaaaaad. But its looking a little bleek :/ some encouragement maybe?
i hate getting out of shape....
those need to be used tomorrow. Like really. I'll let you know if I did it in my Wonderful wed. post, cause It will definitely be a wonderful if I do it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Good One

So this past weekend, as you know, Jannette came in town! Hallelujah! It was just what I needed to get me through this last month. It was a fun filled busy weekend where the Perry's let me tag along with them. It was amazing to talk about like everything, laugh much, eat delicious cake ice cream and cookies, and take pictures. It was quality. It was amazing and I enjoyed every moment of it.
Also, you should know,  Jannette and I take tons of pictures. And I mean it. We could set a record with how many pictures we have together.

Also, you should know,  Jannette and I take tons of pictures. And I mean it. We could set a record with how many pictures we have together.


Okay, so I am Incredibly excited for my most recent purchase. THESE BEAUTIES.
I got them online, and got a rockin' deal. I cannot wait for them to come! 

Ps. So you know how awesome this weekend was? And how Jannette came in town?
Well guess whos comin in town next weekend? 
Courtney my roomate and Cameron, who are also some of my closest friends! Thank goodness people are getting married so that their siblings have to come in town :) 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

I decided I'm going to start this new thing called Wonderful Wednesday. Its going to be a post of all things wonderful I guess. Like things that I think are wonderful at the moment!
so here goes the first one :)

1. Keith Urban, he is always going to be a "wonderful",  but today and yesterday I listened to him almost non stop. One reason might be that my bestie Jannettix is coming in town this weekend and I could almost die I'm so excited. Like seriously, ask the people at work, I bring it up often. Oh right, Keith Urban, well we both are madly in love with him and his music, its kind of a weekdness we share. And ya,  I LOVE HIM. He is my favorite, and his songs make me melt everytime. And not to mention seeing him live was a highlight of my mere 19 year long life. (went to the concert with Jannette!)

Do you see the way he plays his guitar? attractive. 
oh and don't mind my horrendous singing in the background. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO ( there are 18) I am singing. like dude. upsetting but atleast I have proof that I had the time of my life :)

2. My new job at Abercrombie, got trained partly kinda sorta today, and I like it!
3. My truck in the sun. My truck is awesome, but when its sunny out, it feels like summer. I can roll the windows down, blast country music, it just fits, and it just belongs in summer. That makes it a wonderful today.
4. The fact that its Wednesday and I feel like I just started this week. Yay for weeks that fly by. (6 weeks, BTW)
5., its like my new best friend. They best start updating that thing quite often, cause I'm running out of things to read/ watch.
6. The deer that almost ran in front of me while driving down to my house (your thought "how is this a wonderful thing?) Wellll, let me explain. There is a deer crossing sign on the street down to my house, I pass it everyday, and not once have I seen a deer, anywhere near that area. Well that deer almost ran out in front of me right at that sign, like she was feet from it. I guess they measured the placement really nice. So the wonderful is, I know that sign isn't lying!
7. ITS MARCH. closer to summer, closer to school.

Well there you have it, some wonderful tidbits from my wonderful life. Oh my goodness that just made me think of Its A Wonderful Life. FAVORITE MOVIE. Its so good, holy cow, and gets me excited for christmas, oh baby! But lets take things one thing at a time k? after all, its March and we still have summer before we get to that.

dreaming of summer <3